The psychomotor approach from which we start is that of experienced psychomotor skills, where the child expresses himself freely through play, based on his own desire.
Psychomotricity favors therapeutic intervention with children who present specific disorders or difficulties in their motor, behavioral, affective-social and cognitive development.
We work with educational psychomotor skills externally in schools and children’s centers.

The child uses his body to explore, developing a continuous learning of his limits and possibilities; being accompanied by the psychomotor therapist, who generates a space of security and confidence, listening to his needs and intervening on them.
In the re-educational space, the child learns to respect himself and to respect others and the space around him, to allow him to know himself, to discover his own rhythms and to organize his time, developing his communication skills and his creativity.
Types of Psychomotricity
- Psychomotor retardation
- Behavioral problems
- Shyness
- Blockages
- Maturational delay
- Prevention and stimulation
- Learning difficulties
- Pervasive developmental disorders
- Emotional and personality disorders
- Attention deficit with or without hyperactivity (ADHD)
- Down Syndrome
- Body schema disorders
- Psychomotor therapy
- Adoptions
Learning to respect oneself and others