Infant massage

Infant massage is an ancient tradition in many cultures around the world, which has been rediscovered in the West and has benefits on several levels: physiological level, emotional bonding, tension-relaxation balance and sensory pleasure.

In addition to the massage techniques, in each session we will deal with topics related to the baby’s upbringing: gas, colic, crying and its functions, states of alertness, etc.

More than a children’s massage…




Children’s Massage” course for families

Aimed at dad’s and mom’s with babies between 2 and 3 years old. The course lasts four sessions with a weekly frequency.

Where families become a support group sharing experiences, emotions and learning.

Workshop where we approach and build an environment of sensations, stimulation, attachment and well-being with your baby.

We will work on massage and infant stimulation through the sense of touch for the baby’s development.

It is a moment of communication, where bonds are strengthened and experiences are shared, providing help and security to families in the process of the baby’s evolutionary development.

Taught by specialists in child stimulation and development.

The workshop consists of 4 sessions (once a week), with a maximum of 4 families. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour and covers topics such as:

-Practice of the technique

These courses can be held individually or in groups. More information about infant massage in the following link.

Give a gift voucher for a child’s massage course

More information and schedules about

infant massage

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and we tell you about it.